Formational Audit
Formational Audit
(Adapted from the Rule of Life MRE program, Rochester University, Practicing the Way guide p30)
Take an inventory of all the forces that are currently forming you.
Habits — What habits make up your everyday life? Write out your habits.
Morning routine:
Typical workday:
Evening routine:
Typical weekend:
How are my habits shaping me?
Relationships — What relationships make up most of your life?
How are these people shaping me? What kind of person do I become when I’m around this person?
Stories you believe — What stories do you believe about God? (What is he like/not like? How does he feel toward you?)
What stories do you believe about yourself? (How does God see you? How do others see you? What kind of person are you?)
What stories do you believe about happiness? (What do you think will make you most happy and peaceful - Is it God? Money? Marriage? Success? Vacation?)
What stories do you believe about the meaning of life? (What do you think matters most- career? Family? Health? Something else?)
What are the core stories of my life? How are they forming you?
Environment — What is your environment like?
City: What is my city like? What is it known for?
Nation: What is my nation like? What are its highest cultural values?
Generation: What are my generation’s values?
Digital algorithm: What are the algorithms feeding me news, information, and social connection like?
How am I being formed or deformed by the cultural forces that are “normal” in my city/nation/generation/social media feed, but possibly far from the vision of Jesus?