SUNDAY SERVICE Join us in person at 10:30 AM or watch us online! WATCH LIVE

Beloved & Dignified Women's Event

Women helping women who have experienced "hell."

Event Information

Please join us at this special women's event as we learn how to support one another through hellish times in our lives. You can come and stay for the entire day or you can attend either the morning or afternoon sessions. We pray that these topics/discussions can bring healing to our hearts and community. Please RSVP here, after you RSVP please go to our google form and select the classes you would like to view at the times you are attending. We will do our best to provide as many classes as we can but we ask you to select your top two classes in case we can't accommodate them all.


8:30 am Breakfast and fellowship

9:00 am Opening Session

10:10am Meditation & Breakout Session 1 (10 topics)

11:40 am Meditation & Breakout Session 2 (10 topics)

1:00 pm Lunch and fellowship

2:00 pm Meditation & Breakout Session 3 (10 topics)

3:30pm Final Meditation and Keynote Speaker

If you desire and are able to help with the event please sign-up here!

Join us!

Women Helping Women Heal

Many of our lives have been touched by suffering not of our own choosing. Biblically, hell (sheol in the Hebrew) can be used to designate the lowest valley, the place “under the mountains” where hope seems hidden from view (see Job 24:8). These kind of situations stir longing for the next life. In the pain, moving beyond survival is difficult and finding a safe circle that understands isn’t always easy. No matter what has happened (or may happen ahead), we are beloved and dignified daughters of God. Join us as we sit with the pain, affirm how low these valleys can be, and explore where to find God in our lowest times.

Understanding Pain and Suffering

Women of every culture and background have gone through very dark places in life. Pain has stalked us through heart-breaking betrayals, sickness, loss and death, political instability and war, addiction, abandonment and abuse.

Join us as we learn better how to help one another as we go through the sheols of life. You will leave better equipped to:

  • See yourself as God sees you
  • Celebrate your beloved status
  • Show compassion to yourself and others
  • Practically implement what you learn.


Note: Each speaker will share from their own story, offer what did and didn’t help, and share how they found God in the pain. Since these topics will be triggering, each session will give guidelines for safety, including confidentiality.

2025 Class Topics

Our 2025 Beloved and Dignified Conference will feature classes on a variety of topics, including:

  • Finding the Way to Deeper Love Through the LGBTQ+ maze
  • Betrayal in Marriage and Divorce
  • Tragic Loss
  • Neurodiversity in Marriage
  • Mothers of Children with Mental Health Needs
  • Mothers of Children with Special Needs
  • Mothers with Adopted Children
  • Chronic Health Issues
  • International/Living in Countries with War and Tension
  • Spanish Speaking Classes
  • The Role of Gender in the Church
  • Race Issues in the Church

For a list of class descriptions you can visit the conference schedule page.

Omaha Church of Christ Women's Ministry